Camera-ready submission refers to the final version of your paper that is formatted and ready for publication or printing without requiring further edits or modifications.
You cannot revise your paper after the camera-ready submission deadline specified in the congress calendar.
Camera-ready submission process is only available for full papers. Therefore, IJMSIT and IEEE Xplore differ depending on your publication preference.
After receiving your letter of acceptance, you should do the following for the IEEE publishing option.
Prior Notification:
⇨ For the paper template, the template given on the web page must be strictly observed. (Unsuitable papers will not be indexed by the IEEE.)
⇨ Pages should not have page numbers.
Step 1: Add the proper copyright notice (for IEEE) :
As instructed by IEEE one of the following copyright notices needs to be included in the camera-ready version of the papers published in the footnote of the first page:
You must load your paper into the system using the "Dashboard> Create New Title" menu.
If your IEEE PDFeXpress®-generated PDF is ready for submission, click on Approve button to submit the PDF to the Conference Editor. Addition, the PDF file should be sent to the email address without changing the filename given by PDF eXpress.
If your paper does not pass the PDF eXpress test, correct the errors in the incoming e-mail and repeat the same process again.
Step 3: Copyright Form (for IEEE):
After collecting camera-ready papers, one of the corresponding authors of each paper, will receive a e-mail from IEEE with a link and the proper credentials to submit the copyright form for the paper.
After receiving your letter of acceptance, you should do the following for the IJMSIT publishing option.